ఈ నూతన సంవత్సరంలో క్రొత్త స్వరాలూ, ఆ స్వరాల జగత్తులో తేలుతూ, ఆనందం మీ మనసుని నింపాలని ,మీరు మీరుగా వెలగాలని, నలుగురిని వెలిగించాలని, అనురాగపు, అనుబందపు విలువలలో విలువలతో మిమలిని మీరు మైమరిచి పోవాలని ఈ సంవత్సరమంతా పరిమళించి, ప్రకాశించాలని ఆకాంక్షిస్తూ
అభినందనలతో మీ

1 cup of raw fresh mango cleaned, dried, finely chopped along with skin
1 tbsp margosa flowers (neem tree flowers)
1 cup grated jaggery
1 tbsp fresh finely chopped coconut pieces (optional)
3 -4 tbsp tamarind paste
red chilli pwd (according to your choice)
salt to taste
Mix all the above ingredients to form a sauce like appearence.I f you want a thin and watery chutney add very little water (2-3 tbsps). You can also add small pieces of sugarcane, pieces of ripe banana, putanaala pappu (roasted channa dal) along with the above ingredients. Note:Each home has its own version of preparing the ugadi pachadi but the main ingredients (reflecting all the six flavors) are as specified above.
Commonly known as the eggplant, brinjal is one of the most easily available and affordable vegetables. In its unripe form, it is a large greenish-whitish vegetable and when ripe, it turns a deep violet. Brinjal can be cooked in many different ways and provides many essential nutrients that are needed for overall well-being of the body. In fact, one can even take brinjal soup to attain maximum benefits from this vegetable. It is a very good source of potassium and contains a high content of water and fiber. Check out the nutritional value and also the health benefits of eating brinjal.
Nutritional Value of Brinjal
Given here is the nutritional value of a serving of 100 grams of brinjal.
Calcium - 525 mg Cholesterol - 16mg Dietary Fiber - 4.9g Iron - 6mg Potassium - 618mg Protein - 8g Saturated Fat - 5.2g Sodium - 62mg Sugars - 11.4g Total Carbohydrates - 17.8g Total Fat - 27.5g Vitamin A - 6.4 mg
Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Brinjal
Take brinjal in a mashed form or as a soup and add some garlic and asafetida to it. It will help you get rid of flatulence and adjust the wind humor of the body.
Brinjal can also be eaten after being roasted directly on fire. Just peel off the skin, mash it and add some salt in it for flavor and eat it. It will help cure phlegm, congestion and reduce the formation of gas.
In order to increase appetite and digestion, take soup made of mashed brinjal and tomato, along with some salt and pepper. In case you are unable to fall asleep easily, eat a soft brinjal (along with some honey) after baking it directly over fire. If taken regularly, it may also cure insomnia.
In order to cure enlarged spleen caused due to malaria, eat soft baked brinjal along with raw sugar on empty stomach, preferably in the morning. |
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